
Showing posts from March, 2021

Get Fitter & Stronger through safe Bootcamp

  The term 'Fit &Safe' may sound a bit intimidating, but don't be put off. Fit & Safe means nothing but working out in the fresh air. Improve fitness at Bootcamp in Amsterdam and enjoy outdoor training in the natural environment of Amsterdam. You can get fresh air and changing surroundings for free. Best Bootcamps in Amsterdam West – What to expect? Bootcamp is training that can improve your fitness quickly and effectively, especially in combination with the right nutrition. The training ideally takes place outside, usually in public parks or green areas with only minimal devices. The training takes place in group lessons, and although these programs were initially created for intensive training, they can be adjusted to all levels. An example Bootcamp training has 4 phases: Warm-up : 7-10 minutes of medium intensity running and loosening exercises. Training : 40/50 minutes aerobic and anaerobic circuits, interval training, fitness tests, strength training, swimmi

An Effective Routine for Bodyweight Workout for Beginners

If you are committed to having a fit body within a few months you must swear by a proper exercise routine. A fit body is desired by a lot of people but how many of those actually commit to it? Consider yourself lucky if you have gathered the courage to workout. There are multiple personal fitness coaching that you can use these days. But you can also follow a simple bodyweight workout routine at home-  Chair Squat  Squats are popular among newbie fitness enthusiasts and personal training Amsterdam . It is more than just getting the perfect bottom. It can work your calves, hamstrings, quads, lower back, abs and butt. To start with the chair squat you will need a strong chair or a sofa. Face away from the couch or sofa, spread your feet and shoulder wide apart. Push back your hips, bend your knees so that you can lower your body on the couch or chair. Always put the pressure on your heels when you are standing back up.    Improvised Lunge  You will need the chair for this one so keep it