An Effective Routine for Bodyweight Workout for Beginners

If you are committed to having a fit body within a few months you must swear by a proper exercise routine. A fit body is desired by a lot of people but how many of those actually commit to it? Consider yourself lucky if you have gathered the courage to workout. There are multiple personal fitness coaching that you can use these days. But you can also follow a simple bodyweight workout routine at home- 

  1. Chair Squat 

Squats are popular among newbie fitness enthusiasts and personal training Amsterdam. It is more than just getting the perfect bottom. It can work your calves, hamstrings, quads, lower back, abs and butt. To start with the chair squat you will need a strong chair or a sofa.

Face away from the couch or sofa, spread your feet and shoulder wide apart. Push back your hips, bend your knees so that you can lower your body on the couch or chair. Always put the pressure on your heels when you are standing back up.   

  1. Improvised Lunge 

You will need the chair for this one so keep it close by! Lunges may sound like a lot for some people, but they have been proven to be effective at Bootcamp Amsterdam. This specific sort of lunges can work your glutes, calves, obliques, and hamstrings.

Keep one leg in front of the other one, the space between the two should be of one foot, now hold the back of your chair. You will have to slightly bend both your knees and when you are pulling yourself back up put the pressure on your heels. Try to keep your back straight. 

  1.   Wall Push-up 

Whether you are a health fitness enthusiast or not, you know about push-ups. The wall push-up is popular within the Bootcamp Westerpark. To start with the wall push-up you need to stand at a 2 feet distance from the wall. Gradually bring yourself to the wall by bending your elbows. You should get yourself close enough to the wall so that the tip of your nose touches it. 

  1. Planks  

There is no way that you have not come across this specific kind of workout. The west Bootcamp Amsterdam has some amazing tips to carry out planks. You need to start by lying face down on the floor, bend your elbows and lay your forearms flat on the floor and contract the midsection. Keep your torso straight. Keep on repeating this process ten times or so. Every time you get up make sure that your body and arms are straight. 

  1. Pull-up 

This is among some of the exercises which you can start with when you have gone through the first two weeks of the beginner's phase. It may seem easy to hang from a bar or two handles and pull yourself up but it is not as easy as it seems.

It can be really tough but it is also known to be effective by Bootcamp women Amsterdam. No matter how tough the execution may seem like, the method is quite easy. You will need to find a robust bar that can take your weight. Hang yourself with the help of your hands from the bar and try to pull yourself up. 


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